Thursday, August 20, 2009

Crazy Love Chapter 5

Another week, another great chapter. Just the titles of these chapters are award worthy, "Serving Leftovers to a Holy God", that just grabs you. As we studied this chapter together this morning, the overarching theme seemed to be that many of us felt completely drained by this chapter. In saying that, I mean it made us ask some hard questions. The one first and foremost in my mind was if this is what it means to be saved what have I been doing? We are called to examine ourselves over and over in scripture. We are challenged to see if the Spirit indeed is working in our lives and we are bearing fruit. I have no doubt about my salvation, but I see many areas that need some serious pruning and I attribute that all to the Spirit's work in revealing hidden sins in my heart. I have no doubt been serving leftovers to this Holy God. May God challenge us all in our growth and service for Him. I pray you asked hard questions about yourself through chapter 5 and that you will continue to do that in the weeks ahead.

1 comment:

benji said...

Powerful chapter. I apologize that I wasn't able to make it this morning, but it sounds as if there was good discussion. Thanks for posting the update.